Holiday Travel Plans

We have a busy holiday schedule, as does everyone else. In between traveling the 8-10 hours to get “home” to the states then squeezing time in with family and friends, we will almost need a vacation from our vacation. Even though we will be extremely busy, I am SO EXCITED!!!

Decorated Jeff on Christmas morning (2018)

Carson and I are flying home to Illinois early tomorrow morning! Jeff will stay in Germany and work for two weeks then fly home the week of Christmas. Carson and I on the other hand will get to spend some quality time with my mom. We are looking forward to playing with Sophie (our dog), baking and decorating cookies, spending a weekend in Chicago, making numerous Target runs, and finishing up some Christmas shopping. To be honest, most of my shopping is done as our family prides itself on stocking stuffers (previous post), but its always fun to look!


The week of Christmas we are driving to Washington DC. Some of my fondest Christmas memories take place in DC surrounded by family. The drive to DC from my hometown is about 13 hours (14 with stops). It is a drive my mom and I have done numerous times and even look forward to doing. We switch drivers every couple of hours, usually after a restroom, fuel and/or food stops. Jeff will rotate in as one of the drivers on the drive back to Chicago. Carson is currently and has always been a great passenger. She loves looking out the window, playing with her toys, and snacking on the delicious treats she doesn’t normally get. We are extremely lucky that she is such a great little traveler.

The drive to DC

Upon returning to the Midwest, my mom will continue home (home town) and Jeff, Carson and I will stay in Chicago. I’m so looking forward to being back in the town that I love so dearly and called home for 14 years. Jeff and I have already started planning our “must do” list for when we are back, mostly including restaurants we’ve been craving. Looking forward to sharing that in another post.

Carson’s holiday photo (2018)